Ron Healey
Vice-President, Energy and Ag
May 27, 2016
Ron Healey is Vice-President Energy & Ag Business for Federated Co operatives Limited (FCL).
As Vice-President, Ron will provide leadership to our Energy and Ag teams to help support further alignment and collaboration as the Co-operative Retailing System progresses toward a low carbon future, building a structure for a strong foundation today and into the future. There are many synergies between transportation fuel production and agriculture and Co-op is uniquely positioned to provide that value to our members across Western Canada.
Shortly after receiving a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Ron joined FCL as a Regional Crop Supplies Sales Co-ordinator in 1998. In 2000, Ron left the organization to return to school, this time at the University of Alberta, where he completed his MBA, specializing in Natural Resources and Energy. He returned to FCL, initially as Regional Human Resources Manager, before moving back to Saskatoon in 2003 to become the Crop Supplies Marketing Manager. In subsequent years, Ron gained additional experience in procurement as the Crop Protection Manager before moving into the Crop Supplies Director role. In 2012, Ron was promoted to the role of Associate Vice-President Ag and Home before moving into the role of Vice-President Ag & Consumer Business in July, 2018.
Throughout his career, Ron has led with vision and purpose, assembled high-performing teams and executed strategies to significantly grow the business. Ron is a member of the Board of Directors of United Grocers Inc., Interprovincial Cooperatives Limited, Blair’s Crop Solutions and the Co-operative Superannuation Society.
Ron and his wife Cheryl have two sons and one daughter.