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Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) is a diverse business operating in the agriculture, food, energy and home and building sectors. Based in Saskatoon, Sask., FCL is owned by independent retail co-operatives from across Western Canada that are committed to local investment, community mindedness and lifetime membership benefits . FCL is involved in wholesaling and manufacturing – including refined fuels and lubricants – while also providing administrative and marketing support to its member-owners.
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- Imagine Canada: Caring Company designation
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards Best of Show: Execution and Industry & Public Relations
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards category winners: web advertising, magazine, television, billboards, product packaging, point of purchase material and multimedia campaign – total budget of more than $650,000
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards certificates of merit: online video advertising, events, product or service video, television, infographic and new product launch
- Governance Professionals of Canada (GPC): Excellence in Governance Award for Board/Director Effectiveness
- Golden Bean Awards Silver Medal: Chain Store Milk
- Golden Bean Awards Bronze Medal: Chain Store Milk and Chain Store Espresso
- Canadian Grocer 2023 Impact Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Retail Council of Canada Canadian Grand Prix New Product Awards: Household Product
- Imagine Canada: Caring Company designation
- Forbes 2022 powered by Statista: Canada’s Best Employers for Diversity
- Golden Bean Awards silver medal: chain store milk
- Golden Bean Awards bronze medals: chain store espresso (2), chain store milk (2), and chain store filter (2)
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards category winners: online video advertising, press release, advertorial, promotional item and multimedia campaign over $650k
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards certificates of merit: new product launch, point of purchase materials, media relations and product service video
- Retail Council of Canada Excellence in Retailing Awards: Environmental Leadership
- Retail Council of Canada Grand Prix New Product Awards: Private-label bakery fresh; private-label deli meats and cheeses; private-label shelf-stable prepared foods and entrees; and private-label household products.
- SaskBusiness Magazine: Top 100 Companies in Saskatchewan (2)
- Financial Post: Top 500 Companies in Canada (63)
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards Best of Show - Advertising
Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards category winners: multi-media campaign (total budget under $650,000), point of purchase materials, new product launch, television commercial, public marketing campaign, and promotional items Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards certificates of merit: online video advertising, multi-media campaign (total budget under $650,000) and specialty publications - Imagine Canada: Caring Company designation
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards: Point-of-purchase materials, web advertising, promotional item
- Retail Council of Canada Grand Prix New Product Awards: Private-label desserts (fresh/refrigerated or frozen), private-label snack (savoury)
- International Association of Business Communicators Gold Quill Awards: Award of Merit for Change Communication
- Imagine Canada: Caring Company designation
- Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds: Stewardship Award
- SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions: Resource Revolution Award
- Association of Fundraising Professionals - South Saskatchewan Chapter: Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist award
- SaskBusiness Magazine: Top 100 Companies in Saskatchewan (2)
- Financial Post: Top 500 Companies in Canada (54)
- Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada: Large Co-operative of the Year
- Retail Council of Canada Grand Prix New Product Awards: Private-label meat, egg and seafood - fresh, refrigerated or frozen; private-label personal care; private-label frozen or refrigerated prepared foods and entrees
- Retail Council of Canada Excellence in Retailing Awards: Retail Marketing Award
- Imagine Canada: Caring Company designation
- Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) Awards: Best of show (Advertising), unique execution, television, exhibits, logo design, multimedia campaign (budget $200K-$650K), multimedia campaign (budget more than $650K)
- Canadian Red Cross: Partners in Humanity citation
- Manitoba Chambers of Commerce: Workers Compensation Board Return to Work Award
- SaskBusiness Magazine: Top 100 Companies in Saskatchewan (2)
- Financial Post: Top 500 Companies in Canada (58)
- Retail Council of Canada Excellence in Retailing Awards: Philanthropic Leadership Award
- International Association of Business Communicators Gold Quill Awards: Award of Merit for Corporate Social Responsibility
- Retail Council of Canada Grand Prix New Product Awards: Private-label frozen or refrigerated prepared foods and entrees
- Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan: Exceptional Engineering and Geoscience Project Award
- Fairtrade Canada: Fairtrade Retailer All-Star
- Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers: 4R Nutrient Stewardship Retailer of the Year Award
- Best of CAMA (Canadian Agri-Marketing Association): Company and Association Newsletters
- Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating: National Water Wise Award
- Golden Bean Coffee Roasting Competition: Franchise/Chain Espresso (bronze)
- SaskBusiness Magazine: Top 100 Companies in Saskatchewan (1)
- Financial Post: Top 500 Companies in Canada (60)
- Corporate Knights: Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada (50)
- Retail Council of Canada Grand Prix New Product Awards: Private-label confectionary and shelf stable desserts; private-label desserts: fresh, refrigerated or frozen
- PAC Canadian Leadership Awards: Specific Package - Flexible (silver)
- Global Water Awards: Industrial Water Project of the Year
- Fairtrade Canada: Retailer of the Year, Merchandising Event of the Year

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