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Core Business
FCL’s business is largely business-to-business (B2B). We focus on serving our independent retail co-operative members, but also work with other businesses and individuals. Our core business includes wholesaling, manufacturing, marketing and administration in four areas: agriculture, energy, food and home and building solutions.
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Our Business
The Co-operative Retailing System has an extensive network of product and service offerings. The data provided is a general overview of the primary business for FCL and its retail co-operative members. Please select a province and then FCL or RETAIL for information.
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FCL sources and distributes products across all primary consumer-goods lines: food, home and building supplies, crop supplies, livestock feed and petroleum. The Grocery People (TGP), a unit of FCL, delivers fresh produce to co-op communities. The CRS benefits from combined purchasing power, which allows local co-ops to remain competitive with larger, integrated companies in all business areas.

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The Co-op Refinery Complex (CRC) in Regina, Sask., has the capacity to process 130,000 barrels of crude oil per day, enough to fuel the needs of the CRS. FCL is also a member of Interprovincial Cooperative Limited (IPCO), which produces crop-protection products. FCL operates three feed plants located in Alberta and Saskatchewan. FCL also contracts the manufacturing of a variety of Co-op private-label products: CO-OP® GOLD, CO-OP ¢ENTSIBLES ®, CO-OP GOLD PURE®, CO-OP® MARKET TOWN® AND CO-OP® CARE+®.

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Administrative Support
FCL provides a range of services to enhance retail members’ capacity and reduce members' cost of doing business. For example, FCL provides IT infrastructure support, accounting services, risk-management services, human resources support, recruitment and ongoing employee training. FCL also assists with planning and developing capital construction projects. It also owns and maintains a trucking fleet that distributes fuel, food, and home and building supplies across the CRS.

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Marketing Support
FCL provides comprehensive marketing support across all major business lines, including centralized and regional campaigns, point-of-sale promotions, centralized flyers, content marketing and digital marketing services. FCL also provides market-research analysis to identify consumer needs and perceptions and to determine the viability of new programs and services

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