Community Spaces: Moose Jaw children’s facility
February 8, 2016
Everyone needs a place to meet, play, learn and share. In 2016, Co-op Community Spaces will contribute up to $1.5 million to support recreation, urban agriculture and environmental conservation projects in Western Canada. Community organizations have until Feb. 12, 2016, to apply for funding through Co-op Community Spaces.
Last year, YMCA of Moose Jaw was one of 16 Co-op Community Spaces recipients. For more information on these projects and to learn how your community can apply, visit communityspaces.ca.
A colourful new indoor play space will allow the YMCA of Moose Jaw to make physical activity accessible to more Moose Jaw families.
The Co-op Early Years Play Space is a free facility that provides year-round recreational programs to families with children under five — crucial years for a child’s development. A donation from Co-op Community Spaces is helping the organization grow, so that it can accommodate more than 200 families each month.
A new space in the community’s Strong Start Family Centre will provide toys and equipment that stimulate physical activity and establish healthy behaviours.
“Rates of obesity and chronic disease are a concern in our community. By building an accessible, family-friendly atmosphere that promotes physical activity and programming for the little ones, we are creating opportunities that can make a positive and preventative impact,” said CEO Jeff Fox.